Exercise Helps To Prevent Cancer, Fight It, And Ward Off Relapse: Studies

Hip fracture patients may regain mobility faster with at-home exercise

Relapse Previous research had revealed that the most physically active cancer survivors had a 38 percent lower chance of dying from cancer and a 48 percent lower chance of dying from cardiovascular conditions. And researchers from the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine recently validated those findings when they looked at 1,021 men who were part of the Harvard’s Alumni Health Study. The study team found that cancer survivors who used more than 12,600 calories per week p90X3 reviews through exercise had better life expectancy as compared to those who hardly exercised and only used less than 2,100 calories each week. After adjustments for age, early parental death, smoking and weight, the likelihood of dying of any cause was reduced by a very significant http://www.sbwire.com/press-releases/p90x3-reviews/sbwire-455028.htm 48 percent. “Physical activity should be actively promoted to such individuals to enhance longevity,” said Dr Kathlee Wolin, a co-author of the study.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.naturalnews.com/043944_cancer_prevention_exercise_prostate.html

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Exercise may slow diseases that cause blindness

They just want to be able to get back to doing their daily activities in the same way they could, and managing themselves, Latham said. We knew if we took them to the gym, we could get stronger results, but thats not the point. Physical therapists also used one of their visits to show participants a video addressing fears of falling a common psychological side effect of a hip fracture. People experience a huge loss of self-confidence over [a hip fracture] that can start a spiral of inactivity where people become very fearful of moving, Latham said. After six months, the intervention group had significant improvement in functional mobility and balance, over the control group. Three months after the study ended, researchers followed up with participants and the intervention group continued to have better functionality.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/02/19/hip-fracture-patients-may-regain-mobility-faster-with-at-home-exercise/

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